Teen Reach Adventure Camp – Boys
(Ages 12-15)
T.R.A.C. Boys Camp Dates
June 26-29, 2025
Camper Applications
Teen Reach Adventure Camp
Love Fosters Hope’s model is designed to give foster boys from the Royal Family Kids Camp (ages-7-11) an opportunity to transition to TRAC Boys, where they are embraced with love and fun activities focused on youth development.
Love Fosters Hope has been providing TRAC since 2007
Using the therapeutic model Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), which trains caregivers to provide effective support and treatment for at-risk children.
2:1 camper-to-staff ratio

2024 TRAC Boys Leadership
June 25-29, 2025

Mayra Arteaga
Mayra Arteaga
Why do you serve with Love Fosters Hope?
I don’t really think of it as serve. I grew up going to camps, and knew I would one day help run them. Love Fosters Hope is my home, each year with new and familiar faces.
How long have you served?
Going on a decade now.
What is the most fulfilling part about leading camp and serving the kids/teens?
Each year you discover a part of yourself that you lose when you become an adult. Seeing the kids have genuine fun and are able to truly be themselves, it’s contagious.
What is the impact you have seen in the lives of the kids/teens?
As a former camper, I can speak first-hand on the impact of the volunteers, and it’s life-changing. Over the course of a few days, we see the kids learn to love themselves, and learn that no matter hardships and trails, they are loved and they matter.
Is there a favorite memory (or one that stands out the most)?
I remember the first time I became a volunteer, it was for the girls TRAC camp. We had spent all day preparing for the Prom Night event, gathering and working on all the girls’ dresses. Nearly exhausted, it dawned on me how much effort Love Fosters Hope puts into organizing the best experience for the campers. As the girls danced with joy, I remembered when that was me wearing a dress at camp, and being filled with that same joy that I could help give them the same experience I had.
Why should others get involved in serving?
It’s a very humbling experience. It allows the connection of people who feel called to serve, while helping to shape the hearts and minds of children that need love and assurance the most.
Being part of this organization is more than just volunteering at a camp. It means becoming part of a family that you know will be there for you for the rest of your life.
Mayra is a proud wife, and mother of a 4 year old, has adopted 2 dogs, has started her own small business and loves to be outdoors if possible.
Fun fact: She was one of the campers at the very first girls TRAC camp.
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 41:10:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Jason Miller
Activities include: arts and crafts, fishing, archery, kayaking, swimming, relationship building, talent shows, and special games and events that include a dance and/or talent shows.
On the last day, each boy leaves TRAC with all camp adventures documented in a souvenir photo album along with notes of love and encouragement. Volunteer photographers capture images and decorate keepsakes for every boy, which for many, may be their only childhood memories captured and in their possession.
Camp counselors
Camp counselors called “cousins” become each camper’s biggest cheerleader,
encourager, buddy, confidant, champion, and friend.
A 2:1 ratio is maintained at all camps